MIDI Interfaces


[-] midi - ISA (mpu-401)

[-] midi - Parallel (PC)

[-] midi - Serial (PC)

[-] midi - Serial (MAC)

[-] midi - USB Midi Interfaces

[-] MIDI - Atari ST port expansion


(1/4) > >>

[1] 19"midi interface DRIVER support XP/2000? 64bit vs 32bit, Win vs Mac

[2] midi interfaces for the pc (1997 article, sos) *updated,linked

[3] chronological midi interface list (PC only)

[4] a quick note about Serial port adapters + OSX

[5] Motu Unisyn

[6] testing midi performance on windows with "midiTest" by "Evert van der Poll"

[7] Sweetwater has a launch page for downloading AUDIO/MIDI drivers

[8] M-Audio Acquires Evolution Electronics (Aug 2003)

[9] 19" Steinberg SMP24 + SMPII (1987?) for use with PRO 24 the ATARI ST


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