

[-] Motorola 68040 (1990)

[-] Pentium (Mar 1993)

[-] PowerPC 600 series (Nov 1994)

[-] Pentium II (May 1997)

[-] G3 PPC (Nov 1997)

[-] G4 PPC (Aug 1999)

[-] Pentium III (Feb 1999)


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[1] PCI/AGP Graphics Cards Timeline - Mid 1990s - mid 2000s - mid 2010s

[2] SoundBlaster 32 PNP (1994) CT3600

[3] keep in mind ISA 16bit caps out around 8MB/s

[4] graphics comparison from PCMAG (Jan 1993)

[5] big list of VLB i/o controllers

[6] VLB cards won't work in an ISA slot

[7] List of Wavetable capable soundcards + boards

[8] Radeon 8500 (2001)

[9] 19" Digidesign Session 8 (1993) ISA card for PC


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