Is there any chance you would have a copy of the drivers for this still? Trying to resurrect a system that uses one of these cards, and the current online driver files I've come across don't work.
Best regards,
the driver that doesnt work is probably for the mqx-32 (original) rather than the mqx-32"M" revision card
u can download the revised driver (For the mqx-32m) called mqx.exe from this website backup:
http://web.archive.org/web/19961113031203/http://www.opcode.com:80/downloads/pc_hardware/http://web.archive.org/web/19970713190811/http://www.opcode.com:80/downloads/pc_hardware/remember tho, these drivers are for win95/win3.1/DOS as they were made before the release of win98 or XP
if those dont work i have the floppy images that came with my mqx-32m card downstairs somewhere
WHAT operating system were u intending to try to install the card with?
it only "officially" supports
DOS, windows 3.1 + win95i think there might be XP drivers that were hacked together by someone but not official because the company went out of business before XP was around i believe, opcode took over their distribution +support sometime in the mid-late 1990s,
*Installation Instructions for Opcode Hardware Drivers for Windows 3.1:
*Create a directory to hold your hardware driver. You can do this by typing "MD \OPCODE" from any "C:>" prompt. Then type "CD \OPCODE" to change to the directory you just created.
*Copy the self-extracting driver file (MQX.EXE in this example) to your new directory. Next, change to that directory and type the name of the self-extracting file, as in: "MQX" and press <Enter>.
*This will execute the self-extracting archive and create the files you need.
*To install the driver into Windows 3.1, run "Control Panels" from the "Main" Program Manager group.
*Double click the "Drivers" Control Panel, and click on "Add."
*Select "Unlisted or Updated Driver," and put in the path where the driver
can be found (C:\opcode in this example) then click OK. Windows will copy files into the appropriate locations. After installation is complete, restart the computer.
*Congratulations! You are now ready to begin using your Opcode hardware.
Installation Instructions for Opcode Hardware Drivers for Windows 95.
*Make a new folder to hold your drivers. You can do this by right-clicking on the location where you want the folder, and selecting New -> Folder from the popup menu.
*Name the folder something appropriate such as "Opcode" and copy the self-extracting driver archive (MQX.EXE in this example) to the new folder.
*Double-click on the archive file (the icon labeled MQX or MQX.EXE in this example), and it will extract the driver files you need into your directory.
*Click on the Start Menu, and select Settings -> Control Panel. Double click the Add New Hardware control panel.
*When the "Add New Hardware Wizard" starts, click "Next," and when it prompts you to search for new hardware, answer "No."
*Click Next, and then scroll down the list of device types to "Sound, Video, and Game Controllers." Click Next.
*Click the Have Disk button on the next dialog, and then specify the directory for the Opcode drivers (from the first step) and finish the installation. After the installation is complete, restart your computer.
*Congratulations! You are now ready to begin using your Opcode hardware.