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Author Topic: master tracks pro v3.6 for atari is now FREEWARE!  (Read 5005 times)

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master tracks pro v3.6 for atari is now FREEWARE!
« on: December 28, 2015, 11:34:28 PM »

GVOX Interactive Music has given me permission to have Passport Designs excellent Sequencer MASTERTRACKS PRO as a free download on this page.See below for the Link. Also for the Link to GVOX Interactive Music. Please check it out!



1.Track Window: 64 Tracks for Real-Time or Step Time recording. Easy viewing of program changes, MIDI Channel, Muting and record status with Independent Looping for each track.

2.Song Editor Window: Able to see Song Structure over time. Select tempo,meter, and beat for each measure. Use Cut, copy, paste and mix editing to build songs.

3.Step Editor window: Able to see and edit graphically on a piano Roll screen. Step input notes using mouse or MIDI Controller. Edit individual events or entire phrases.

4.MIDI Data Editor: Plot continuous controllers graphically such as pitch bend, panning, modulation, Aftertouch. Zoom in and Out on individual events.

5. Transport Window with play, record, fast forward, rewind, pause, stop, auto,click, MIDI thru, punch, sync, and key with measure and time counters.

Other features include data filtering, quantize while recording or editing, MIDI Keyboard control of transport, sysEx librarian, import and export standard MIDI files.


This Software according to the License agreement from GVOX is to only be made available to Atari users and not re-engineered or reverse-engineered for any other purposes whatsoever.


Master Tracks Pro version 3.6
Copyright 1990 Passport Designs
Designed by Dave Kusek and Don Williams
Written by Don Williams and Mike Ost


System Requirements

MTPro will work on ALL Atari Computer systems including 520ST, 1040St, 1040Ste,TT030, and Falcon. It is a "well written" program that will work in most resolutions (ST med, St Hi) including TT HI which is 1280x960 Res! MTPro is very impressive at this resolution. It has been advised to turn off "blitter"or "caches" with "older"programs, but MTPro seems to work fine with these devices on. It also works in a multitasking Environment such as GENEVA with resizable 3-D window displays. MTPro will also work on a hard drive with directories, or from Floppy disc.


MASTER TRACKS Pro is an excellent sequencer which in my opinionis as easy to use as Cubase with professional results. There are also things you will not find in Cubase such as INDEPENDENT TRACK LOOPING and a built-in SyxsEx dumper. You can also import Standard MIDI files and use the editing Tools in MTPro to embellish them. This version also comes with CONTROL.ACC so you can adjust your color scheme to your liking once you load the program. See below.