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Author Topic: use SVP to remote control your modern DAW (Mac OS9, XP networked via MIDI)  (Read 4739 times)

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Offline chrisNova777

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  • "Vintage MIDI Sequencing + Audio Production"
    • | vintage audio production software + hardware info

Opcode Studio Vision Pro controlling DAW. Example of cutoff/expression control of softsynth.

Macintosh G4
Mac OS 9.2.1
Studio Vision Pro 4.2.2
emagic Unitor 8 MIDI sync interface

- 1 Long MIDI Cable -

Intel Quad-Core PC
Ableton LIVE
EdiRol UM-3EX USB MIDI interface


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Hi chris i was wondering if you have ever tried to get your unitor 8 synced up to vision 2.5 on PC? Does OMS require special windows drivers or can you use the drivers from OS9? or must you be running windows 95 to get it to recognize unitor perhaps? im trying to make this work as a portable solution with one laptop


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also have you been able to send smpte from your unitor while its being used by OMS? i having trouble being able to use it while running vision where as the Opcode studio 5 is very straightforward and has its own smpte menu option