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Author Topic: Using newer graphics card drivers under Mac OS 8.6-9  (Read 3576 times)

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Using newer graphics card drivers under Mac OS 8.6-9
« on: March 10, 2017, 01:17:04 AM »

Using newer graphics card drivers under Mac OS 8.6-9

You can use the latest ATI Driver Update (October 2002), with Mac OS 8.6 through Mac OS 9.1, though these operating system's are not listed as being supported by the driver update:

The OpenGL 1.2.4 (or higher) extensions work fine under at least Mac OS 8.6 through Mac OS 9.1, as well as under Mac OS 9.2.x via extracting them with the shareware utility TomeViewer 1.3d3, as long as you also have the complete QuickDraw 3D extensions (which I believe the older OpenGL 1.2.1 installer also provides) installed, as OpenGL under Mac OS 8.1 though Mac OS 9.2.2 basically works in the same fashion (quite unlike the OpenGL in OS X, which is quite different from the word go as OS X doesn't use Mac OS extensions, apart from the "Classic" Emulation Environment).

After first adding the OpenGL 1.2.4 (or higher), QuickDraw 3D, just to be safe, backup anything/everything then of your current ATI, OpenGL and QuickDraw Extensions (and anything else you've added graphic Extension-wise), and Control Panel first, before you apply the update. You do get a warning message from the new ATI installer (this newer "October 2002 ATI Retail Update" replaces the bad one from a week before it) that you are not running OS 9.2.x or X, but also get a "continue" option button.

The October 2002 ATI Retail Update is working fine under Mac OS 8.6 through Mac OS 9.1 on my 7600/400 MHz Newer Technology G4 CPU upgrade/ATI Radeon Mac Edition PCI."

The ATI October 2002 Driver Update is a 10.2 MB download.