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Author Topic: "new world" desktop macs timeline grouped by release date (Jan 1999 - 2005)  (Read 17882 times)

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Offline chrisNova777

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g4 powermac chart for further comparison ranked by benchmark

January 5th 1999
Mac Server G3 350 (Blue & White) *YOSEMITE 8.5.1 (untill June 1, 1999)
Mac Server G3 400 (Blue & White) *YOSEMITE 8.5.1 (untill June 1, 1999)
Power Macintosh G3 300 (Blue & White) *YOSEMITE 8.5.1 (untill June 1, 1999)
Power Macintosh G3 350 (Blue & White) *YOSEMITE 8.5.1 (untill August 31, 1999)
Power Macintosh G3 400 (Blue & White) *YOSEMITE 8.5.1 (untill August 31, 1999) *high end model*

June 1, 1999 produced only during summer of 1999
Mac Server G3 450 (Blue & White) *YOSEMITE 8.5.1 (untill August 31, 1999) *high end model*
Power Macintosh G3 450 (Blue & White) *YOSEMITE 8.6 (untill August 31, 1999) *high end model*

August 31, 1999 pci yikes 8.6 cd version 1.0 | agp sawtooth 8.6 cd version 1.2
Power Macintosh G4 400 (PCI) *YIKES 8.6 (untill February 16, 2000)
Power Macintosh G4 450 (AGP) *SAWTOOTH 8.6 (untill July 19, 2000)
Power Macintosh G4 500 (AGP) *SAWTOOTH 8.6 (untill July 19, 2000) *high end model*

October 13, 1999 ***speed dump - There were extreme supply issues with the G4 initially, due largely to Motorola's inability to deliver the 7400 chips in adequate supply. This was further compounded by an "errata" in the initial revision of the 7400 that effectively lowered the ceiling of the chip to 450 MHz. As a result, all models of the G4 were "speed dumped" in October. The $2499 450 MHz model was lowered in speed to 400 MHz, and the $3499 500 MHz model was lowered to 450 MHz. The price, and all other specs were the same.
Sawtooth models were speed dumped down by 50Mhz due to processor quality? lack of supply of the higher performing chips
Power Macintosh G4 350 (PCI) *YIKES 8.6 (untill December 2, 1999)
Power Macintosh G4 400 (AGP) *SAWTOOTH 8.6 (untill February 16, 2000)

December 2, 1999 i believe these models shipped with 9.0.2 beginning jan/feb 2000
Power Macintosh G4 350 (AGP) *SAWTOOTH 8.6 / 9.0.2* (untill February 16, 2000)
Mac Server G4 350 (AGP) *SAWTOOTH 8.6 / 9.0.2* (untill July 19, 2000)
Mac Server G4 400 (AGP) *SAWTOOTH 8.6 / 9.0.2* (untill July 19, 2000)
Mac Server G4 450 (AGP) *SAWTOOTH 8.6 / 9.0.2* (untill July 19, 2000)
Mac Server G4 500 (AGP) *SAWTOOTH 8.6 / 9.0.2* (untill July 19, 2000) *high end model*

February 16, 2000 ***  Speed BUMP
Existing Sawtooth models were bumped back up 50Mhz to their original advertised level of performance.

July 19, 2000 *** these models have 4 ram slots / 3 pci slots + gigabit ethernet
Mac Server G4 450 DP (Gigabit) *MYSTIC 9.0.4 (untill January 9, 2001)
Mac Server G4 500 DP (Gigabit) *MYSTIC 9.0.4 (untill January 9, 2001) *high end model*
Power Macintosh G4 400 (Gigabit) *MYSTIC 9.0.4 (untill January 9, 2001)
Power Macintosh G4 450 DP (Gigabit) *MYSTIC 9.0.4  (untill January 9, 2001)
Power Macintosh G4 500 DP (Gigabit) *MYSTIC 9.0.4  (untill January 9, 2001) *high end model*
Power Macintosh G4 450 Cube 9.0.4  (untill July 3, 2001)
Power Macintosh G4 500 Cube 9.0.4  (untill July 3, 2001)

January 9, 2001
Mac Server G4 533 (Digital Audio) X server
Mac Server G4 533 DP (Digital Audio) X server
Power Macintosh G4 466 (Digital Audio) 9.1
Power Macintosh G4 533 (Digital Audio) 9.1
Power Macintosh G4 667 (Digital Audio) 9.1
Power Macintosh G4 733 (Digital Audio) 9.1 *high end model*

July 18, 2001
Power Macintosh G4 733 (Quicksilver) 9.2
Power Macintosh G4 867 (Quicksilver) 9.2
Power Macintosh G4 800 DP (Quicksilver) 9.2 *high end model*

September 8, 2001
Mac Server G4 733 (Quicksilver) X Server
Mac Server G4 800 DP (Quicksilver) X Server *high end model*

January 28, 2002
Mac Server G4 933 (QS 2002) X Server 10.1
Mac Server G4 1.0 DP (QS 2002) X Server 10.1
Power Macintosh G4 800 (QS 2002) 9.2.2
Power Macintosh G4 933 (QS 2002) 9.2.2
Power Macintosh G4 1.0 DP (QS 2002) 9.2.2 *high end model*

August 13, 2002
Mac Server G4 1.0 DP (MDD) X Server 10.2.1
Mac Server G4 1.25 DP (MDD) X Server 10.2.1 *high end model*
Power Macintosh G4 867 DP (MDD) 9.2.2
Power Macintosh G4 1.0 DP (MDD) 9.2.2
Power Macintosh G4 1.25 DP (MDD) 9.2.2 *high end model*

January 28, 2003 *firmware downgrade enables mac os 9 boot
Power Macintosh G4 1.0 (FW 800) 10.2.3
Power Macintosh G4 1.25 DP (FW 800) 10.2.3
Power Macintosh G4 1.42 DP (FW 800) 10.2.3 *high end model*

June 23, 2003 *** final release of the g4 desktop - dawn of the G5!
Power Macintosh G4 1.25 (MDD 2003) 9.2.2
Power Macintosh G5 1.6 (PCI) 10.2.7
Power Macintosh G5 1.8 (PCI-X) 10.2.7
Power Macintosh G5 2.0 DP (PCI-X) 10.2.7 *high end model*

November 18, 2003
Power Macintosh G5 1.8 DP (PCI-X) 10.2.7 *high end model*

June 9, 2004
Power Macintosh G5 1.8 DP (PCI) 10.3.4
Power Macintosh G5 2.0 DP (PCI-X 2) 10.3.4
Power Macintosh G5 2.5 DP (PCI-X) 10.3.4  *high end model*

October 19, 2004
Power Macintosh G5 1.8 (PCI)  10.3.5

April 27, 2005
Power Macintosh G5 2.0 DP (PCI) 10.4
Power Macintosh G5 2.3 DP (PCI-X) 10.4
Power Macintosh G5 2.7 DP (PCI-X) 10.4 *high end model*

October 19, 2005
Power Macintosh G5 Dual Core (2.0) 10.4.2
Power Macintosh G5 Dual Core (2.3) 10.4.2
Power Macintosh G5 "Quad Core" (2.5) 10.4.2 *high end model*