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Author Topic: use a modern mac to share internet to an os9 machine "share wifi to ethernet"  (Read 5844 times)

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Offline chrisNova777

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most mac os 9 computers will not have modern wifi capabilities so its best to not use their airport/airport express or wireless networking cards, for these machines its best to connect via ethernet cable from another wifi capable mac!
such as an iMac, simply run an ethernet cable from the imac to the vintage/legacy mac os 9 machine and then enable internet sharing on the imac!  of course you can also use any mac laptop to do exactly the same thing!

once connected u have to ensure that the machine is connected over wifi first, on a stable 2G connection, and then enable internet sharing of wifi over ethernet

System preferences > Sharing > internet sharing

Share your connection from: Wifi
to computers using: Ethernet

this might be the actual best solution for alot of people with a mix of vintage + modern hardware!
no extra hardware needed except a cable!

Offline chrisNova777

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if using a mac with yosemite or osx sierra i think it will quite often make the ip address under a diff subnet then the rest of your network when using this trick.. it creates a bridge

make the ipaddress of the vintage mac and a router address of

u should confirm the ip address routing using "ifconfig" on the new mac frm terminal application
to check the ipaddress

then enter the right ip info into the vintage macs tcp ip control panel