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Author Topic: How to utilize QuickTime Musical Instruments  (Read 5023 times)

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How to utilize QuickTime Musical Instruments
« on: November 24, 2017, 04:46:16 PM »

“I’d like to play the Quicktime Musical Instruments on my Mac using my MIDI controller, but I can’t seem to get them to work with the sequencer program I have. Is there extra software I need? What about the Apple MIDI Manager? I’ve looked for it but can’t seem to find it at Apple’s web site.” Yes, there is extra software you need, and no, it isn’t the Apple MIDI Manager. Actually, you can still find this program at Apple’s site, but the last update to it was in 1995. One reason for this is Opcode’s OMS was nearing the height of its popularity at that time, and replaced Apple’s MIDI application quite sufficiently. However, this isn’t to say OMS is your best or only option for MIDI on a Mac today. There is also FreeMIDI from Mark of the Unicorn (more on that in a bit). Opcode has been non-operational for quite a while since being purchased by Gibson Musical Instruments; in fact Gibson and Opcode haven’t made an ideal partnership to say the least. Long story short, all of Opcode’s products and development are ‘on-hold’ (with no apparent end in sight). So future upgrades for OMS don’t look promising, unless the program is made “open source”, meaning that anyone in the general software developing public who knows the application’s architecture and basic code could develop future versions to keep up with rapidly improving hardware (this is the way the Linux OS has been developed, for instance). This background is provided only to give some insight into the current Mac/MIDI app situation, and to help you, the users, decide what will work for you based on the facts at hand.MOTU’s FreeMIDI has become the heir apparent to OMS, though it still isn’t as roundly supported as OMS in the Mac/MIDI world. It is supported well enough to be a worthwhile application for MIDI, and is a logical current path to Mac/MIDI interactivity. Plus, both OMS and FreeMIDI can be running simultaneously, so you can cover all the bases in your MIDI setup, if you have the need.All this expository gobbledy-gook has been wonderful, hasn’t it? But we haven’t forgotten the real question at hand. How to use QuickTime Musical Instruments with OMS-compatible programs §If you don’t already have it, download the latest OMS from Run the installer, which should close all open programs, and restart your computer after the installation is complete. After restart, you should have the necessary OMS components in your extensions folder. You’ll also need the Quicktime extensions, which come installed on recent Macs.§Open your hard drive, open the OMS Applications folder, and double-click on OMS Setup. It will take you through a series of steps in order to configure your Mac and locate all applicable MIDI devices and ports. The Quicktime Instruments should be one of the ‘devices’ OMS finds; if it isn’t found, check your extensions to ensure all Quicktime items are present. After the setup is complete, your current OMS studio setup should be displayed in a window on your desktop. Click on the ‘Quicktime Music’ icon in the ‘My Studio Settings’ window and configure the ‘Quicktime Synth’ control via OMS. When OMS is set up, save your settings. Now you should be able to play the Quicktime Instruments with your MIDI controller, and sequence notes using an OMS-compatible sequencer. How to use Quicktime Musical Instruments with FreeMIDI-compatible programs §If you don’t already have it, download and install the latest FreeMIDI from§Open your hard drive, open the FreeMIDI Applications folder, and double-click on FreeMIDI Setup. If you have already created a configuration, go to the File menu, and select FreeMIDI Preferences. You’ll need to create a FreeMIDI setup, which it can automatically do. It should find your FreeMIDI instruments and you’ll be all set. If it doesn’t for some reason make sure “Quicktime, Built-In” is checked in the preferences and try again. Now in your FreeMIDI Configuration, you will see a device called “Quicktime, Built-In” and you should also see your MIDI interface. If not, you may need a driver for it to work.Not only can you access the QuickTime MIDI externally, but also from within any FreeMIDI-compatible sequencers. You will be able to select Quicktime Built In channels 1-16 as output destinations.Also, the final version of Apple MIDI Manager is still available for download if you go to and search software information for ‘midi manager’ (without the single quotes).
« Last Edit: November 24, 2017, 05:12:19 PM by chrisNova777 »