Operating Systems > Windows 10 (July 2015)



Hello everyone around here it is a pleasure to greet you I have just registered on the site I would like to know if it is within your possibilities to help me clarify certain doubts that I have with my laptop, I used to have windows 7 I had to restart it and install windows 10 but I I noticed that it is too slow to start and sometimes it gets stuck that may be happening, how can I solve it

So I'm assuming you had Windows 10 FORCE INSTALLED on your machine?

I would reformat it & re-install Windows 7 (or EARLIER) & discombobulate any updating whatsoever...

I have a blind GrandDaughter that had windows 10 force installed even though updates were turned OFF...Nothing but problems ever since this force install & windows 10 ALWAYS updating (That's a LIE it's actually SPYING!!) when starting up...

Windows 10 is GARBAGE you'd be better off with windows '95....I use XP SP3 on 7 of my machines...NEVER AN ISSUE!! No forced windows 10 installs either...

I have ONE MACHINE that is windows 10 64bit & I ONLY use it offline...It never sees the internet & it constantly YEARNS for the hookup...This was given to me by a neighbor I do favors for...I would never buy such a machine...

Mostly use it for burning movies & some graphics apps...No music creation...

So there you have it...go back...GO BACK to windows 7 or earlier or face a life of shit beyond belief!!!

im not a windows 7 purist - theres many ways you can tweak windows 10 to disable alot of its default resource wasting; but i think it sounds like you may do well to buy a new hard drive or SSD; with a new SSD windows 10 should have less problems. im not a fan of windows 10; windows is a pretty brain dead platform but there is a crazy amount of support for it;


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