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Author Topic: VBEMP 9x - universal graphic driver (no 2D/3D but good enough for a daw!)  (Read 2779 times)

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Offline _keeper_

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You see, w98 have troubles with supported gpu drivers...people looking to build old gaming rigs have the most trouble but not for audio!

Why, well, if you only looking at Vu meters and channels clipping because you like that rough digital distortion, you are good to use this driver and help yourself with a gpu compatibility.

Basically it supports resolutions upto 2k and a pretty big range of videocards.

I´ve had trouble using Intel G31 chipset with the GMA X3100 on the w98 Se, so i have been using PCI S3 trio which would sometime cause pops and distrotion on input channels on the audio interface.

Latest driver for the Intel X3100 is w2000 driver so i was fighting with the S3..

A while ago i´ve booted up the rig: w98 on IDE 120GB(sata patch applied),Wami Rack 24, C2d e6750, Asus P5kpl am epu and 3gb ram(mem patch applied), located the "uni" driver for the integrated gpu(x3100), installed it, the driver was recognised as an upgrade, rebooted the PC and here it is, 1600x1200 on the 1920x1200 monitor. Reaper 2.45 works, FL8 works.

Try it out.

p.s. for the Patches(mem, sata, hdd size) look at this website:

I used this patch for the chipsed and fixed problems with the SM bus controller:


Offline P5r

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That's pretty cool you got all that to work!...

Yeah the GRAPHICS is a different deal though as alot of your high-end 2D-3D of the time used NT Workstations & won't even run on Windows 98 which was more for home & gaming...

That's what is nice about XP as it merges the two...

Here is first WINDOWS version of Houdini...SideFX Houdini 2.5 from 1997 I think...This back then a $17,000 3D app running fine on Dell E1705 Laptop (Only one I have with 1280x1024 screen rez) at my 'alternate' workstation (10 feet away from where I sit...LOL)-

Some of THEIR screenZ-

Thanks for the site link...Some interesting stuff there...I find that alot of old soft won't even recognize larger RAM, even if you use 'large address aware' on it...

Offline chrisNova777

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my graphics card of choice on windows 98 hands down has to be the Geforce 2 card
i flashed a mac card to a pc card and it works phenominally under windows 8, althought i remember i had to adjust the drivers to support resolution modes for my monitor (1680 x 1050 i think it was)
but after modifying the driver myself it worked beautifully and im hoping to get that same box back up + running in the weeks to come, my system is an asus motherboard with official windows 98SE driver support (intel 865G chipset, with X6800 Core 2 extreme CPU (running single core only) on windows 98 SE, with Geforce 2 AGP Graphics.