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Author Topic: Mackie + Raw Material - Tracktion v1.6.0.1  (Read 1818 times)

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Offline dawful

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Mackie + Raw Material - Tracktion v1.6.0.1
« on: January 20, 2024, 03:19:08 PM »
Tracktion v1.6.0.1
-Audio Playback and Recording features-
Unlike other recording and sequencing software, Tracktion imposes no limits on the number of tracks or effects utilized in your project. The host computer's available horsepower can only be stretched so far, but with Tracktion, you can extend your computer's playback and processing power indefinitely. Thanks to Tracktion's "Freeze Tracks" function, your Mac or PC can secretly render (Freeze) groups of audio tracks and effects, thereby freeing up those valuable processing resources for additional tracks or effects. But wait, there's more! Frozen tracks' edits and effects can be "thawed", tweaked and then re-frozen at any time.
Additionally, it gives you:       
   - No defined limits on sample rates -- any rate the hardware can handle is supported, and sample-rate conversion is done on the fly to enable playback of files at any sample rate on any hardware.
   - All audio data is handled internally at 32-bit floating point precision.
    -Support for DirectSound and ASIO audio devices on the PC and Core Audio devices on the Mac, including simultaneous multi-channel playback and recording.
    -Support for playback latencies below 3ms (hardware and CPU permitting).
    -Supports standard Windows and Mac MIDI input and output devices.
    WAV, AIFF and Ogg-Vorbis Audio file format support.
    -Record from audio devices by simply pointing them at the track of your choice and hitting the record button.
    -Punch-in recording and input-level-triggered recording, with optional 1 or 2-bar pre-count. MIDI recording also features looped recording, merging with existing clips, quantization and incoming channel selection.
    -Full support for real-time monitoring of incoming live MIDI or audio data through plug-ins, soft-synths, samplers, etc.
    -Full parameter automation for panning, levels, effects with live recording of parameter movements and direct editing of the automation curves.


#Drag-and-Drop Editing#
Tracktion's flexible architecture lets you explore complex permutations of digital audio clips, MIDI sequences and plug-in effects just by dragging-and-dropping them around the screen. More importantly, it allows you to assemble your ideas almost as quickly as you can dream them. That's the key - Tracktion will keep up with the fast pace of the creative process.

All the editing is done on one screen, avoiding dozens of floating windows and pop-up panels that other applications present but that really just get in your way.
#Real-time Editing#
Editing controls on each clip allow the audio to be trimmed, slipped, and stretched (with or without pitch-shifting) in real-time, giving you full graphical feedback of all editing operations. Fades can be applied to the beginning or end of each clip simply by dragging the fade handles on the clip itself, or by manually entering fade type and duration. There are several fade shapes to choose from, and shortcuts for creating overlapped cross-fades between clips.

-Plug-in Support (including VST & VSTi)-
In addition to its impressive array of bundled proprietary plug-ins (which include reverb, EQ, delay, chorus, phaser, compressor, and pitch-shifter), Tracktion also supports VST plug-ins - the most widely used and readily available plug-in format on the planet. An overwhelming variety of VST plug-ins can be obtained in stores for hundreds of dollars, as well as online at the cost of a few mere mouse clicks and perhaps an email address. Search online for "free vst plug in" and be overwhelmed. Tracktion comes with some really cool ones from maxim digital audio (MDA).

Tracktion also supports VSTi software synths. Download some MIDI clips or record your own - "plug-in" to the virtual synth and enjoy. New virtual instruments are popping up everyday all over the web, and we've included a few of those to sample so you're ready to start composing immediately after installation.

Butt-Kickin' Built-in Sampler
That's right. There's a powerful yet simple to use sampler waiting for you inside Tracktion. Just like any other filter or plug-in - simply drop it onto a track, select the clips you want to trigger, click & drag to map the sample to a key or range of keys, then let the butt-kickin' begin.

-Rack Filters-
With all of these plug-in options at your disposal, wouldn't it be great if you could organize your frequently used combinations into one simple recallable package? And wouldn't it be great if you weren't limited to the basic stereo input to stereo output patching? And what if you could build complex and creative effect routings that are impossible with most other music software? And one time at band camp... Introducing Tracktion's Rack Filters.

-ReWire 2.0 Support-
Tracktion includes ReWire 2.0 support for integration with applications like Propellerheads' Reason, Ableton Live, and other ReWire supporting software. ReWire is described as an "invisible cable" that allows you to connect one application to another so you can stream audio and MIDI to and from the linked programs. Tracktion acts as a master (or "mixer") application to which other ReWire "synth applications" can be linked - simply enable ReWire in Tracktion, setup a track to receive the output of the "synth application", launch the "synth application" and crank out that next big hit.

-Instant Help-
Just in case the user interface isn't intuitive enough, nearly every object on the screen provides extensive pop-up help simply by pointing the mouse over the item. This is easily toggled on and off at the press of a key. Even with the Instant Help feature turned off, unobtrusive one-line tool-tips will still appear at the top of the screen.

-Project Management features-

The Tracktion Project screen shows all of the audio and MIDI clips, edits and other files that it can currently access at a glance.

Each Project can contain audio that is either unique to itself, or shared with other Projects. The info panel at the bottom of the Project screen provides waveform overview and playback capability for the selected audio clip at the click of the mouse.
A comprehensive search engine on the Project screen lets you to search for, preview and import audio files in a variety of formats, searching by name, location or keywords in the audio file description.

-Collaborative Working-
Tracktion's comprehensive import/export features provide several ways to share projects between users:       
-Render: creates a single audio file of the entire mix, any section of the mix or track, optionally trimming silence of the start and end, and optionally normalizing the audio level. Various file formats at a range of sample-rates and bit-depths can be created.

-Export: copies all of the audio and MIDI files used in an edit to a new folder. Optionally, Tracktion can "consolidate" all of the project's audio files, only copying the sections that are used in that edit, with variable-length 'handles' on either end for fine-trimming and cross-fading. This consolidated export is useful with large or complex edits, and can save an enormous amount of disk space (and time!) when backing up your excellent work.

-Archive: creates a single archive file (for ease of copying between users) which contains all the consolidated/complete audio data for that edit, using either FLAC Lossless Audio Compression (with compression ratios up to 50%) or Ogg-Vorbis compression (with user-selected compression ratios as high as 20:1). This makes it possible to pass Tracktion Archives of projects between users via the Internet, for true collaborative working. Tracktion Archive files allow fast downloading and trading of music tracks via the internet, but with the ability to add to or remix these tracks and upload the changes at the same time as maintaining a full history of which "Tracktion Artist" has made which set of changes to that Archive!

Hardware Requirements:    

- PC-
    Microsoft Windows 98, ME, 2000, or XP
    Intel Pentium 3 or 4, or AMD Athlon (750MHz or better is recommended)
    At least 128MB RAM; 256MB or more is recommended for heavy-duty work
    DirectSound or ASIO compatible audio interface
    Windows-compatible MIDI hardware if required

    Mac OSX 10.2 and above
    At least 128MB RAM; 256MB or more is recommended for heavy-duty work
    Core Audio compatible audio interface
    Core MIDI compatible MIDI interface if required
Link -> <-
« Last Edit: January 20, 2024, 05:21:27 PM by dawful »

Offline dawful

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Re: Mackie + Raw Material - Traction v1.6.0.1
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2024, 04:43:16 PM »
This is a pretty amazing DAW, especially if you are on Windows 98/ME.

I have MIDI hardware tied to Windows 98, and it is nice to have a fairly capable DAW to use with them.
Since it was "actually" meant to be used on Window 98/ME (no KenrelEx), it recognizes non Windows Drive Model (WDM) midi devices. Newer versions of Tracktion do not.

All versions of Reaper (KernelEx) can see the old Windows 98 MIDI devices. Mackie likely removed support for it, after v., because it was being bundled with their own WDM USB/FIREWIRE products. There was no need to support the older driver model, especially if encouraging people to by new devices.

It is VST/VSTi only, so DX/DXi would need a VST wrapper. Possibly one of the options provided by Xlutop (free? I Think).

The rack is pretty neat. You could use it for modular synth creation.

Overall, for a DAW fitting in this compatibility/capability range, it also one of the lightest and most performant/efficient. It does lack some of the more fancy features, found in more modern DAWs. But, for me, this DAW is very handy.

Check here ->,8164.0.html <-

Team BEAT made two releases of this. Apparently the first had an issue, where the demo sound would come back, until you clicked the settings tab and then back to the edit tab. For me, the newer versions actually has more issue with this. I haven't had it happen to me with the older release. But who knows?

Maybe here ->,8167.0.html <-
« Last Edit: January 21, 2024, 06:22:39 PM by dawful »