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Author Topic: a quick note about Serial port adapters + OSX  (Read 412 times)

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Offline chrisNova777

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a quick note about Serial port adapters + OSX
« on: August 26, 2024, 02:03:53 PM »
every  archived forum post ive found online with people claiming that their midi interface is working under OSX connected to a serial port adapter -- (griffin or GeeThree) -- happpened to be with a MOTU MTP (or MTP AV) or Studio 4/5 in "MTP Emulation mode"

so i was having trouble trying to get my studio 128x (which works fine in os9) to work in osx, i had installed the stealth port software for osx, and audio midi setup looked good, but it just didnt receive any actual midi notes. wheras after i installed the MTP AV. (non-usb) it worked right away.

so if your looking for an interface to pair with your high performance G4 mac... (mdd etc) then your best off with an actual Motu MTP AV connected via serial.. works in both os.. os9 + osx (panther + tiger confirmed)

ill try to do some more testing soon with the studio 4 configured in MTP emulation mode and add more info later.

see my post here:,550.msg13127/topicseen.html#msg13127

Offline chrisNova777

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Re: a quick note about Serial port adapters + OSX
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2024, 07:28:20 AM »
apparently after a video chat with my friend he revealed his studio 128x working in both os9 + osx on his sawtooth g4... his works flawlessly.. mine didnt work.. not sure what the difference is.. i know he has a G4port serial adapter by griffin tech and he used the griffin gport osx software, thats one major difference..  wheras mine was an actual Geethree stealth serial port, using the geethree stealth serial midi plugin for osx softwrae... or maybe its a different rom chip on my model of studio 128x? actually i have another 128x i can test with.. maybe ill just start with that..