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1990s / Re: digidesign 442 i/o (1991) Digidesign quad interface
« Last post by burrica on October 11, 2024, 06:11:29 AM »
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Vintage Software / Re: I'm looking for these VSTs in Old School versions
« Last post by ioreg on October 10, 2024, 08:19:57 PM »
That guy rrons has provided fake h20 release for abs2.0?  His release has keygen but not serial input field at installation.
Vintage Software / Re: I'm looking for these VSTs in Old School versions
« Last post by ioreg on October 10, 2024, 07:31:15 AM »
Absynth 1.0.2
it has not been so advanced as has been promoted everywhere judging by the article there
Vintage Software / Re: I'm looking for these VSTs in Old School versions
« Last post by ioreg on October 09, 2024, 07:17:46 AM »
Absynth 1.0 was mac only. The secret info hard to find. That's why it had not been not cracked untill released by ni for pc.
Vintage Software / Re: Refx JunoX2 1.0 or 1.1
« Last post by ioreg on October 08, 2024, 04:22:29 PM »
I have 1.51
Vintage Software / Looking for manual for whitenoiseaudio additive
« Last post by ioreg on October 08, 2024, 04:19:59 PM »
It has been removed from archive and everywhere.
Vintage Software / First verion 1.0 vs later versions
« Last post by ioreg on October 08, 2024, 07:08:14 AM »
Many software boasted later versions to have optimized cpu consumption and fixing errors. But was that optimization due to degradation of quality? All versions 1.x and especially 1.0 are hard to impossible to find. The first thought is that hw corps paid to software corps to have their quality lower than hw while those software corps acquired quality soft from small firms and individuals who produced quality soft which was the case with absynth as an example. V. 1.0 of every software is the most safe way. It's also more of a routine fact that new features made later versions buggy and slower. Indeed this is a secret underlying the so called progress with each new version degraded to provide market space for new products beating the previous ones. The cunning method not obvious for non-philosophers. The question is at which version they usually introduce degradation. It can vary from product to product and there are no established methods to detect degradation. The book Audio Expert opens some secrets but in a primitive way. Having scrutinized through many versions i can only recommend sticking to v1.0 or 1.x wherever possible.
Vintage Software / Re: I'm looking for these VSTs in Old School versions
« Last post by ioreg on October 08, 2024, 06:50:00 AM »
Absynth 1.0 was not cracked i presume. It belonged to rhyzomatic, not to ni. It could be of better quality.
Vintage Software / Who has vertigo v.1?
« Last post by ioreg on October 07, 2024, 09:17:22 PM »
Absent everywhere
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