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controllers - USB / Re: Roland PCR-30/PCR-50 (2002) macos9 compatible
« Last post by chrisNova777 on April 05, 2024, 03:42:11 PM »
added macos9 drivers to file attachments
sourced from

 PCR Control Surface Templates (PC)

This file contains all available control surface drivers for the PCR-Series Controllers. The following programs are supported:

- Ableton Live 1.5/Live Jam
- Cakewalk SONAR 2
- DiscoDSP Discovery
- Emagic Logic Platinum 6/Platinum 5/Gold 5.5/Audio 5.5
- Gmedia Oddity
- IK Multimedia SampleTank
- PowerFX Dyad
- Propellerhead ReBirth
- Roland PG-300 (Alpha JUNO-1, -2, HS-80)
- Roland PG-800 (JP-8P)
- Roland XV-5080 Basic set
- Roland XV-5080 MFX Complete set
- Spectrasonics Atomosphare
- Steinberg Cubase 5/SX
- Waldorf PPG wave 2.V
- General Software (Arturia Storm, etc.)
- Ableton Live 2
- Applied Acoustic Systems Tassman SE
- Audio Simulation DreamStation
- Delay Lama
- Gmedia M-Tron
- Image-Line Software Fruityloops 3
- Propellerhead REASON 1.x/2.x
- GARRITAN Personal Orchestra
- Roland PG-1000 (D-50/D-550)
- ueberschall PLP 120
- ueberschall VCP 120
- ueberschall VLP 120
PCR Control Surface Templates (MAC)

This file contains all available control surface drivers for the PCR-Series Controllers. The following programs are supported:

- Ableton Live 1.5/Live Jam
- Emagic Logic Platinum 6/Platinum 5/Gold 5.5/Audio 5.5
- Gmedia Oddity
- IK Multimedia SampleTank
- MOTU Digital Performer Ver.4.x (Mac OS X)
- PowerFX Dyad
- Propellerhead ReBirth
- Roland PG-300 (Alpha JUNO-1, -2, HS-80)
- Roland PG-800 (JP-8P)
- Roland XV-5080 Basic set
- Roland XV-5080 MFX Complete set
- Spectrasonics Atomosphare
- Steinberg Cubase 5/SX
- Waldorf PPG wave 2.V
- General Software (Arturia Storm, etc.)
- Ableton Live 2
- Applied Acoustic Systems Tassman SE
- Audio Simulation DreamStation
- Delay Lama
- Gmedia M-Tron
- Image-Line Software Fruityloops 3
- Propellerhead REASON 1.x/2.x
- GARRITAN Personal Orchestra
- Roland PG-1000 (D-50/D-550)
- ueberschall PLP 120
- ueberschall VCP 120
- ueberschall VLP 120
MIDI Interfaces / Re: Motu Unisyn
« Last post by chrisNova777 on April 03, 2024, 10:09:41 AM »
what os are you using + what hardware?
If its intel cpu I think you need motu unison 2.11
see this post for the update:,5889.msg11543.html#msg11543
honestly the new team working on the google chrome browser are turning chrome into the biggest piece of SHIT going..
it used to be the best browser hands down around 8-6 years ago, they keep changing things, forcing obsolescence etc..

chrome is shit now. google doesnt even deserve to be trusted anymore after they have purposely dumbed down their browser + their serach enginge over the last 8 years.
MIDI Interfaces / Re: Motu Unisyn
« Last post by kasespatzlemmm on March 31, 2024, 05:32:36 PM »
2.1 for MAC. Have a look at Macintosh Garden,
MIDI Interfaces / Motu Unisyn
« Last post by Giovanni Husic on March 31, 2024, 03:43:42 PM »
Hello everybody, glad to be here!

I just bought an Alesis QS7 looking for piano and clavi sounds. I found some patches in Unisyn Format, and then Version 2.1 online. BUT it wants a serial number? I tried serial Box, but the Version there is 2.1 and it does not work. Any ideas? I just want to upload these patches into the synth.
modules - 1990s / Re: Free patch editor, for E-MU Proteus 1000/2000 seriese
« Last post by kasespatzlemmm on March 31, 2024, 07:05:18 AM »
I see. Yes, Proteum. That brings back memories. Have not used in some time but I think I will fire up on my older machine.
modules - 1990s / Re: Free patch editor, for E-MU Proteus 1000/2000 seriese
« Last post by dawful on March 31, 2024, 12:08:59 AM »
I've been keeping an eye on it (updated version). The code and binaries are too new, for the O.S. I'm running the E-mu(s) with. But the new features are likely going to encourage me to try it out, sooner or later.

However, I'm glad you mentioned it. Most people are likely using newer systems.

There is also Proteum -> It is also a bit older, and very similar to Prodatum.

modules - 1990s / Free patch editor, for E-MU Proteus 1000/2000 seriese
« Last post by dawful on March 27, 2024, 11:41:28 PM »

prodatum is a cross-platform patch editor for the E-mu Proteus 1000/2000 sample based synthesizer family
    Logical, musical interface
    Customizable colors
    Cross platform
    Controls for (almost) all parameters of the synthesizer
    Extensive tooltips for all available parameters
    Cubic volume faders, arp editor, virtual keyboard, envelope editor
    Program im-/export with drag and drop support
    Portable (auto-loads configuration from current directory)

    Rack Modules /
    Vintage Pro, Audity 2000 (v2),
    Proteus 2000, Proteus 1000,
    B-3, XL-1, Virtuoso 2000,
    Mo'Phatt, B-3 Turbo, XL-1 Turbo,
    Mo'Phatt Turbo, Planet Earth,
    Planet Earth Turbo, Proteus 2500
    or Orbit 3
  Keyboards /
    Vintage Keys, PK-6, XK-6,
    MK-6 or Ensoniq Halo
  Command Stations /
    PX-7, XL-7 or MP-7

Link ->

Could come in handy :)
Cakewalk / Cakewalk Instrument files, on Linux
« Last post by dawful on March 26, 2024, 11:28:53 PM »
I have a handful of MIDI hardware, that can be a pain to pair with many DAWs. The issue is selecting the specific patch/bank you want, from within the DAW (if you even can). You can use midi events,, to trigger a program change. But it is just nice when you have your hardware selection, right in the DAW. Cakewalk is a King among DAWs, here.

Some DAWs offer a collection of popular hardware instrument files. With most, you can make your own. Since I've been a long time Cakewalk fan, I have a collection of it's instrument files (many custom). This is one of the reasons why Linux is not very appealing to me.  Ardour has it's own instrument files (midnam), and you can find a collection of them here and there. But I was glad to find Qtractor has native support for Cakewalk instrument files. It's a nice quick'n'easy option, if you want to try that gear in a Linux environment.

I does stink, that Qtractor doesn't have automation for MIDI CC. But it does have the option to do a "poor man's" automation, via the MIDI editor. Right under the midi note matrix, where note velocity is commonly found, you can select the MIDI control you want to automate. The bummer is that it automates the same as you would with note velocity (probably not as smooth). I'm using an older version, so it is possible that CC automation has been added. Note: there are two icons for drawing , in the midi editor. They are both pencil icons. But the one with a wave behind it is ideal for editing the CC area.

Anyway, as a long time Cakewalk user, this was a cool discovery.
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